Nice Dream
Last night I dreamt that my gym rearranged everything and I got mad.
They had, for example, replaced the rowing machines with sewing machines. And some of the weight machines were those tables you have at bead shops with the little grooves to let you put together bead necklaces and such.
Now that wouldn't have been so bad except when I then went to get changed, a booking system had been introduced! So I had to take a number and wait in line with about 20 other people. And it was on a grass hill.
And you wouldn't believe who was responsible for all this. Hulk Hogan! I should have known. I had an argument with him. I only argue with people in my dreams. I can't remember the outcome.
There were strange similarities to the previous night's dream where I was in a city in the US (not sure which) and I went to a supermarket. Then when I went to pay, the cashier automatically added $4.50 for a packet of chewing gum because he thought he knew I wanted it. So I got in an argument with him that took hours and I couldn't leave. But then I did and went outside and everyone was lying on the ground in the streets! They were all looking up and so I did too.
The sky was full of amazing shimmering lights, so I lay down. We all knew the aliens had come and life would never be the same.
They had, for example, replaced the rowing machines with sewing machines. And some of the weight machines were those tables you have at bead shops with the little grooves to let you put together bead necklaces and such.
Now that wouldn't have been so bad except when I then went to get changed, a booking system had been introduced! So I had to take a number and wait in line with about 20 other people. And it was on a grass hill.
And you wouldn't believe who was responsible for all this. Hulk Hogan! I should have known. I had an argument with him. I only argue with people in my dreams. I can't remember the outcome.
There were strange similarities to the previous night's dream where I was in a city in the US (not sure which) and I went to a supermarket. Then when I went to pay, the cashier automatically added $4.50 for a packet of chewing gum because he thought he knew I wanted it. So I got in an argument with him that took hours and I couldn't leave. But then I did and went outside and everyone was lying on the ground in the streets! They were all looking up and so I did too.
The sky was full of amazing shimmering lights, so I lay down. We all knew the aliens had come and life would never be the same.
hey andrew. That sounds like a very nice dream. I had an awful dream last night. Claire made a pavalova and decorated it with all MY pebbles that were left over from me decorating gingerbread men. She would let me have a piece even tho they were MY pebbles. She can be so mean sometimes.
amy, at 11:09 am
I like that Radiohead video clip where people lie down. Unrelatedly I also enjoy lying down.
Also did you hear about Josh and Andrea being pregnant? I think it is just Andrea who is pregnant but I have a feeling Josh had something to do with it. Anyway congratulations to them! How exciting and also worrying, the first of the next generation. Now they will have to come to the Marshall family picnic ;)
Mindy, at 11:10 am
I hate dream Claire, she is selfish. If she was in my dream, I would probably argue with her.
Andrew, at 11:10 am
I saw Hulk Hogen once at Venice Beach.
Only it wasn't Hulk Hogen.
I was kidding about the bee pollen thing too - you dont have to cut off their legs. The get electrocuted instead and then they convulse and the pollen drops off.
Anonymous, at 11:10 am
Amy you and Claire need counselling about your problems regarding possessiveness of food items. Repeat after me, it is just food, I don't need define myself by the food I own.
Mindy, at 11:12 am
Hooray! 2nd cousins to play with!
I assume they will be second counsins. I'm not good at working things out.
Andrew, at 11:13 am
I once saw Kirsty whoring herself to Hulk Hogan. Only it wasn't Hulk Hogan, it was a homeless man, who paid her with half a doughnut. Only it wasn't a dougnut it was belly button fluff.
Mindy, at 11:15 am
Mindy, you are the reason I haven't sent this blog to my work mates.
All the talk of whoring would really make them wonder about my family, my genes and everything about me.
But don't stop because you are totally right about Kirsty.
Andrew, at 11:18 am
Oh go on, send it to your workmates. I won't tell them about your gumboot and margarine fetish.
Mindy, at 11:20 am
I will tell them - you disgusting little pervert.
I saw Mindy on the street the other day paying a retarded guy to sleep with her.
I cried for her.
Anonymous, at 11:22 am
Was he shouting out "rainbows and chimneys"? If so I think I know him... Eh Kirsty.
Andrew, at 11:32 am
No idea what you are talking about.
Anonymous, at 11:41 am
No idea what you are talking about.
Anonymous, at 11:41 am
see, neither of us know what you are talking about
Anonymous, at 11:42 am
Err. Yes.
Thank you both Kirstys.
Andrew, at 11:44 am
I know exactly what you are talking about.
Anonymous, at 11:55 am
And so do I
Anonymous, at 11:55 am
Me too
Anonymous, at 11:55 am
Well, that certainly clears that up.
Andrew, at 11:57 am
Yes, in conclusion Kirsty is a big fat ho.
Mindy, at 12:13 pm
so's ya face
Anonymous, at 12:18 pm
A man tried to get money off me this lunch time. I must say, I was impressed.
He had a big long story about the fact his car had run out of petrol, and that his wife and daughter were there. All he needed was money to get a enough petrol to get home so he could find his eftpos card. It was a blue subaru.
I asked his daughters name, which he did not know.
Poor man.
Andrew, at 1:16 pm
I don't know my daughters names. Are you going to hold that against me too?
You cold hard bitch.
Mindy, at 2:36 pm
I never checked his daughter actually existed yet, that is true. I just assumed it from the fact the daughter was in a car somewhere.
And besides I said to him "I would like to help you, but I don't think giving you money is not going to help you". I thought that was as nice as I could be.
Andrew, at 2:47 pm
Damn Claire. She did it again! I came home on Christmas morning and she hadn't decorated the Christmas tree. She hadn't even gotten it out of the cupboard. I was so upset becuase I didn't want her to do it in the first place but since she wanted to do it I thought it would get done. And it is not christmas without a really really pretty tree.
amy, at 10:47 am
Damn Claire. She did it again! I came home on Christmas morning and she hadn't decorated the Christmas tree. She hadn't even gotten it out of the cupboard. I was so upset becuase I didn't want her to do it in the first place but since she wanted to do it I thought it would get done. And it is not christmas without a really really pretty tree.
amy, at 10:47 am
strange. I don't know why that doubled up. I apologise to everyone who read both then were disappointed by my lack or originality in the second comment
amy, at 10:48 am
Hey I had a horrible dream last night. I can't even talk about it. I'll try. In my dream last night first I wentuhikb pto hyd. lapt xgy cy wasone.
See I can't talk about it!
Mindy, at 1:12 pm
Amy, you and Claire should get couples counselling before you leave, you obviously have big issues ;)
Mindy, at 1:12 pm
Hi Mindy. Only through painful regressive therapy can we unlock the horrors in you mind.
Andrew, at 1:58 pm
Andrew, I must say, you are looking particularly handsome today
amy, at 2:07 pm
you too boris
amy, at 2:08 pm
Thanks Amy.
I can't speak for boris, but I am particularly flattered.
Andrew, at 2:09 pm
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