Today's Matinee Post
My last post was far too informative and sensible.
As a result, this one shall be boring and disjointed.
Firstly, some geese fly above me every morning. I leave pretty much exactly 7.07 every day, so their timing is admirable. There are four of them, and they fly in formation.
The reason I mention this is because they always honk in that friendly way they do when flying. They seem so jolly and organised. Normally geese are horrible nasty snappy hissing little shits, but not when flying.
Secondly, I did not get woken up early this morning by a call on my work phone. No one asked for Gary. I was relieved. Then I left all my cell phones at home. Never mind.
Fourthly, ummm....
Fifthly, I had a dream which featured an old friend of mine from high school, Carsten Grimm. He was from Denmark. Anyway, I had an argument with him. I'm getting the feeling my subconscious needs to argue with someone specific. Anyone know why I should be arguing with them?
Thirdly, I enjoyed ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA last night. But I think the whole thing is going to be anti-climatic because scary chick is obviously going to win. Delana?
As a result, this one shall be boring and disjointed.
Firstly, some geese fly above me every morning. I leave pretty much exactly 7.07 every day, so their timing is admirable. There are four of them, and they fly in formation.
The reason I mention this is because they always honk in that friendly way they do when flying. They seem so jolly and organised. Normally geese are horrible nasty snappy hissing little shits, but not when flying.
Secondly, I did not get woken up early this morning by a call on my work phone. No one asked for Gary. I was relieved. Then I left all my cell phones at home. Never mind.
Fourthly, ummm....
Fifthly, I had a dream which featured an old friend of mine from high school, Carsten Grimm. He was from Denmark. Anyway, I had an argument with him. I'm getting the feeling my subconscious needs to argue with someone specific. Anyone know why I should be arguing with them?
Thirdly, I enjoyed ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA last night. But I think the whole thing is going to be anti-climatic because scary chick is obviously going to win. Delana?
Well, it would seem my blog has descended into chaos.
That didn't take long.
Andrew, at 3:02 pm
Isn't that the way you wanted it?
Mindy, at 4:32 pm
No. I am a stickler for order and control.
Just ask anyone who has never met me and they will confirm this.
Andrew, at 4:33 pm
I remember why I argued with Carsten in my dream.
I was staying in a hotel somewhere and he told me off for not wearing formal enough clothes. At first I was apologetic, but then I remembered I was living out of a suitcase, so it was unreasonable for him to expect me to wear a tie.
Andrew, at 9:52 am
The Spanish Inquisition!!!!!
Anonymous, at 1:11 pm
Hi nice read coats.
I wasn't expecting you.
Andrew, at 1:20 pm
Nobody expects nice red coats
Anonymous, at 1:33 pm
I did not expect nice red coats!
Anonymous, at 1:41 pm
Hang on, lets start this again.
Andrew, at 1:43 pm
Oh no, I never meant to imply that.
But that was definitely my reaction whilst in the midst of the dream.
Also, treat your kite like you treat your woman... Get inside her five times a day and take her to Heaven and back.
Andrew, at 4:17 pm
You can talk, big red dildo wielder.
Andrew, at 4:27 pm
Please not now darling, there are ladies present.
Andrew, at 4:29 pm
Not you, antifreeze breath.
Andrew, at 4:34 pm
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