Check this one out:
That role,apparently, was reserved for me. Therefore, they provednothing, one way or the other. Of course, they are uselessto them, as they do not trade. No, I dont, Zikali, I said, and was silent. Where,then, is this land, and how am I to reach it? Now I bethought me of what happened at Pompeii, and ceased to laugh. Inone sense, not at all, but in another, very much indeed. Did you chance to take refuge from that storm in a cave, Macumazahn? Instantly, as before, one of his servants appeared, to whom he gavecertain instructions. But were Ito do this, I should indeed be the first of fools. However hot the weather, he always kept that firegoing. Further, he will protect you fromdangers so far as he is able. It is wonderful, isnt it, that the poor OldCheat should know what you want? Somehow or other they remind me of rocks piled one on another as on amountain slope, and look! Who was it who first said that all men are fools? And if there were a Heu-Heu, did I wish to meet him face to face? Why will you always seek the aidof magic to explain natural things, Macumazahn? And if I cannot overthrow Heu-Heu, Zikali? Or possibly he had othermethods of obtaining information. Macumazahn,come and stand by me, and you, Yellow Man, turn your back so that youface the fire. Of course, those Kaffirs would havetold me about it, would they not? How, then, can you have the answer by to-morrow? I thought that you might like to know that,as you are curious on the point. Aye, there they sit, Macumazahn,to this day, turned to stone, and with them their dogs and cattle. And if so, what should I do with themaiden? Who was it who first said that all men are fools? Not thus do I communicate with those whoare afar. By the way, he wasnt killed either by lightning orby hail. Then they goaway and leave her alone, returning at sunrise. Why will you always seek the aidof magic to explain natural things, Macumazahn? I thought that you might like to know that,as you are curious on the point. You only come here whenyou want something from him whom once you named the Old Cheat. Then we turned the corner and came upon Zikalis kraal. And if there were a Heu-Heu, did I wish to meet him face to face? But that is an old story with which I will not trouble you. If I do not speak truth Iwill pay for the oxen myself. Look, Baas, whispered Hans in a frightened voice, his spiritscome, and he pointed upwards.
I mean that is just art, pure and simple.
That role,apparently, was reserved for me. Therefore, they provednothing, one way or the other. Of course, they are uselessto them, as they do not trade. No, I dont, Zikali, I said, and was silent. Where,then, is this land, and how am I to reach it? Now I bethought me of what happened at Pompeii, and ceased to laugh. Inone sense, not at all, but in another, very much indeed. Did you chance to take refuge from that storm in a cave, Macumazahn? Instantly, as before, one of his servants appeared, to whom he gavecertain instructions. But were Ito do this, I should indeed be the first of fools. However hot the weather, he always kept that firegoing. Further, he will protect you fromdangers so far as he is able. It is wonderful, isnt it, that the poor OldCheat should know what you want? Somehow or other they remind me of rocks piled one on another as on amountain slope, and look! Who was it who first said that all men are fools? And if there were a Heu-Heu, did I wish to meet him face to face? Why will you always seek the aidof magic to explain natural things, Macumazahn? And if I cannot overthrow Heu-Heu, Zikali? Or possibly he had othermethods of obtaining information. Macumazahn,come and stand by me, and you, Yellow Man, turn your back so that youface the fire. Of course, those Kaffirs would havetold me about it, would they not? How, then, can you have the answer by to-morrow? I thought that you might like to know that,as you are curious on the point. Aye, there they sit, Macumazahn,to this day, turned to stone, and with them their dogs and cattle. And if so, what should I do with themaiden? Who was it who first said that all men are fools? Not thus do I communicate with those whoare afar. By the way, he wasnt killed either by lightning orby hail. Then they goaway and leave her alone, returning at sunrise. Why will you always seek the aidof magic to explain natural things, Macumazahn? I thought that you might like to know that,as you are curious on the point. You only come here whenyou want something from him whom once you named the Old Cheat. Then we turned the corner and came upon Zikalis kraal. And if there were a Heu-Heu, did I wish to meet him face to face? But that is an old story with which I will not trouble you. If I do not speak truth Iwill pay for the oxen myself. Look, Baas, whispered Hans in a frightened voice, his spiritscome, and he pointed upwards.
I mean that is just art, pure and simple.
I got this one the other day, how poetic....
well give you a spread and a surprise prepared to do so I have vowed I would
At the end of a couple of weeks I missed him for several days Next Say he dont believe its any more possible than a horse car can turn
The violation of that single seal betrayed the thief for the be dyingor dead Then the thought came to him Women and children
Mindy, at 4:15 pm
I got one about increasing my sexual performance.
Anonymous, at 9:22 am
Also I've been offered a few Russian wives.
Anonymous, at 9:23 am
Also I've been offered a few Russian wives.
Anonymous, at 9:23 am
I prefer spam that seems to have absolutely no purpose.
As soon as they start asking to go to a link or buying something, a little bit of the magic is lost.
Andrew, at 9:37 am
yeah i went through a spam phase but luckily it only lasted a week or so before stopping. I never understood as my stories always made some sense although they sounded stupid. Are they trying to get you to buy a book or something?
amy, at 10:35 am
Oh look! An explaination of this beautiful and lyrical spam.
It sounds like art because it is. The text is lifted from classic literature.
Story explaing spam
Andrew, at 11:21 am
I just got my tickets.
I'm going overseas.
Na ne na ne na na
Andrew, at 1:44 pm
I got my tickets.
I'm going overseas.
Na ne na ne na na na na na
amy, at 2:22 pm
My god Amy, we are just so much better than everyone else.
Andrew, at 2:30 pm
i know, it is incredible isn't it?
amy, at 2:31 pm
Are you looking forward to summer?
I am.
Andrew, at 2:35 pm
summer? I get two days of summer and then it is fall. Fall awesome. Unless they call it autumn. Hmmmmm. Im not sure about Canada. Oh dear. Fall would be sooooo much cooler so I am going to go with that.
amy, at 2:38 pm
Well I suppose you are right.
It'll still be warm and sunny and thats what matters.
I think Canada will be quite like New Zealand with the speaking and such. You know, ignoring the French bit.
Andrew, at 2:41 pm
I wikied it Andrew. Apparently Canadian and American English are so close they are collectively referred to as North American English. However, when spelling, Candadians tend to follow the British more.
I guess it is fall for me. Awesome.
amy, at 2:53 pm
When will you next be home Amy?
Andrew, at 2:54 pm
yip, I have a flight booked from la to chch arriving at 10.20 on christmas morning. What a wonderful present I will be for everyone!
I will hopefully stay then until Jan 7th
amy, at 2:56 pm
You arrive on Christmas day?
Well, why not!
I'm not coming back obviously, so I guess I will see you next Christmas... Unless we manage to go to Disneyland together before that.
Or Disneyworld maybe? Closer to me...
Andrew, at 2:58 pm
Or Eurodisney!
Andrew, at 2:59 pm
All very good possibilities. It is like $400 cheaper to arrive on Christmas day than any day before it and exams don't finish till the 20th so I might be busy marking till the 23rd (when i leave) anyway.
Disney___ sounds very very good.
I suspect I shall enjoy a white christmas next year
amy, at 3:02 pm
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