Well hello there! Firstly thank you for the comments.
I read them and I laughed and thought of home and that is exactly what I needed.
Keep them coming!
A quick summary so far....
Been to Paris and was blown away. The scale of the place is unimaginable.
Everything seems to just stretch out in all directions like they were placed by the gods themselves. Visited Versaille, the Luvre, Arc de Triumphe, Champs de Elysess, walked by the Senne etc etc. The first sight of the Eiffel Tower at night will stick with me forever. Literally breathtaking.
Hit Barcelona yesterday (via Lyon), and partied in the city until the wee hours (5am...) at a club near the waterfront and wandering the Les Rambles at 11pm. But still up at 9 to get into the city and look around.
The people are great - it looks like I really lucked out on this one. The tour managment group are all real pros and really know what they are doing. The other people on tour are mostly girls, mostly younger but I don´t feel out of place. We are all gelling really well and I can only imagine how close we will be in another 6 weeks. Lifetime friends in the making, I have no doubt.
Very often we just sponatenously break up into groups and wander around the place. Everyone pretty much is cool with sitting with, talking with and just getting along with everyone else. Getting through 40 people´s life stories takes some time! The camping side of things really is good - it adds to the atmosphere and comradery and totally levels the playing field and sorts out the snobs.
Totallllllly sick of sheep shagging jokes and aussies shouting ozzie ozzie ozzie. But that just makes us kiwis (7 of us) more patriotic and stick together.
And sorry no photos... I forgot to bring in my camera cable into town! Next time, I promise.
And one note - my phone is broken possibly beyond repair. But I should be able to borrow other peoples so the texts should keep coming. Kirsty - I text you and mum whenever I can. Are you getting them? Mum does not reply....?
So.... Having a great time - not sick, depressed, lonely or broke. Miss you all and will post again soon!
PS The rumour is true, Barcelona smells like new shoes after been left in the rain next to an orange tree on a Tuesday morning.
I read them and I laughed and thought of home and that is exactly what I needed.
Keep them coming!
A quick summary so far....
Been to Paris and was blown away. The scale of the place is unimaginable.
Everything seems to just stretch out in all directions like they were placed by the gods themselves. Visited Versaille, the Luvre, Arc de Triumphe, Champs de Elysess, walked by the Senne etc etc. The first sight of the Eiffel Tower at night will stick with me forever. Literally breathtaking.
Hit Barcelona yesterday (via Lyon), and partied in the city until the wee hours (5am...) at a club near the waterfront and wandering the Les Rambles at 11pm. But still up at 9 to get into the city and look around.
The people are great - it looks like I really lucked out on this one. The tour managment group are all real pros and really know what they are doing. The other people on tour are mostly girls, mostly younger but I don´t feel out of place. We are all gelling really well and I can only imagine how close we will be in another 6 weeks. Lifetime friends in the making, I have no doubt.
Very often we just sponatenously break up into groups and wander around the place. Everyone pretty much is cool with sitting with, talking with and just getting along with everyone else. Getting through 40 people´s life stories takes some time! The camping side of things really is good - it adds to the atmosphere and comradery and totally levels the playing field and sorts out the snobs.
Totallllllly sick of sheep shagging jokes and aussies shouting ozzie ozzie ozzie. But that just makes us kiwis (7 of us) more patriotic and stick together.
And sorry no photos... I forgot to bring in my camera cable into town! Next time, I promise.
And one note - my phone is broken possibly beyond repair. But I should be able to borrow other peoples so the texts should keep coming. Kirsty - I text you and mum whenever I can. Are you getting them? Mum does not reply....?
So.... Having a great time - not sick, depressed, lonely or broke. Miss you all and will post again soon!
PS The rumour is true, Barcelona smells like new shoes after been left in the rain next to an orange tree on a Tuesday morning.
Hello! I waited up to read your blog since you promised it. But now I'm off to do dishes. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself which is good. I'm also eager for travel tips for when I hit Europe next year. Like whether I should do a contiki and if so for how long and what type. I guess you'll know in 6 weeks time more than you do now! I didn't think it'd be such an uneven guy/girl ratio though, maybe girls are more likely to do contiki? I wouldn't have thought so? Or there are more girls traipsing round Europe at the moment? Who knows. I'm reading some story about an Economic hit man at the moment and it's making me eager to go to Ecuador.
LaraCroft, at 10:46 pm
Hey! I knew to read your blog today since Lara said that she was chatting to you... and I thought wow Andrew must have managed an update surely.
Guess what Amy leaves today! Boo hoo!
But she's been a real pain hassling Claire and I about how great the present we are getting her must be. Present? Yeah right! It's not like her birthday or anything!
So that's my life.
Now I'm going to read about yours (haven't actually read the post yet).
Mindy, at 7:43 am
Also I texted you once. Did you get it? Maybe just one time you could text me then I'll know I've got your number right. I'll email ya my number in case you haven't got it. Bye!
Mindy, at 7:47 am
Broken phone? What do you do to them!?
At least now I can assure mum that you are not dead, just slow.
In other news I bought 6 CDs on Friday. I told the guy it was sucky having to buy my own music now my brother had gone overseas.
Did you go to the Black Sheep?
I texted you to say try to see some of Gauadis stuff - but I see I will have to tell you what to see well in advance.
Gave mum the link to your blog so dont put anything rude on!
Anonymous, at 9:00 am
Am I still allowed to put rude stuff on? It is my duty to let the world know your true nature Kirsty. :D
Mindy, at 10:15 am
hi andrew
i am leaving today
i am very very sad
i don't want to go at all
i am pleased to hear that you are having fun
and i can't believe how little stuff you took- i have 46 kgs!
amy, at 1:32 pm
Mindy you can put rude stuff on.
On your face.
Anonymous, at 2:05 pm
quick hi from la. and if you haven't read mindy's blog you are naughty and mayy not have heard that i was less than a metre away from way liotta. awesome
amy, at 11:40 am
Hey everyone look at me! I'm off South Park!
Mindy, at 12:42 pm
Hi Andrew!
I am cute.
Kirsty, at 8:37 am
Hey Andrew, and Bradley. Check out my blog I did a portrait of both of you :)
Mindy, at 11:24 am
Hello everyone from vancouver now.
amy, at 9:39 am
My eyes are like aliens.
They are big, not green.
Anonymous, at 5:18 pm
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